Vapers have experienced a number of changes in recent times – and none more so than in America. Their new vaping guidelines – issued at the federal level – came into force on 8th August. Basically this means vapers who are under 18 will now find it very difficult to gain access to electronic cigarettes and other products associated with vaping.
FDA approval is now mandatory before any such product can be marketed and sold. It doesn’t just apply to brand new products either – anything that has been selling since February 2007 will also be subjected to the new ruling. However, there is a two-year grace period during which any existing product can be sold while an application is made for the relevant products to go through the review process.
Many think the new regulations have gone too far. Some smaller manufacturers won’t be able to afford the charges and investment levels needed to get their products through the review process. And there is no guarantee all products will be approved anyway. Suffice to say, some vapers are already beginning to realise some of the products they use may well disappear in two years from now.
Many people have switched from smoking cigarettes to using electronic cigarettes instead, primarily in order to help them quit. This may change if the majority of e-cig products are withdrawn from the market in two years from now because of the new regulations. Some say they are too strict and will do more harm than good.
What’s your opinion on this? Are you an American who will be directly affected by the regulations? Will this be the start of a decline in the number of vapers taking up e-cigarettes, and a rise in the number of smokers again?