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E-Cigarettes Will Be Banned on London Midland Train Stations

Vapers who use stations that have London Midland train services running through them will be disappointed to hear they’ll no longer be able to vape on these stations from 1st December.

The ban applies to both staff members and passengers, and covers a total of 147 stations all over the country. Other buildings and depots belonging to London Midland will also fall into line with the ban. Passengers will not be able to use e-cigarettes on any of London Midland’s trains either from this date. This applies across the Warwickshire area as well as in other locations across the country.

Which stations are affected?

Although we cannot give a complete list, some of the stations which will no longer permit vaping to take place include Nuneaton, Stratford Parkway and Kenilworth.

Is London Midland the first train company to do this?

No – it is following in the footsteps of Virgin Trains. They decided to ban vaping at all their stations and on their trains earlier in 2015. This makes it more likely London Midland will simply be one of several train companies to bring in similar bans in the near future.

Why are they banning vaping?

According to a spokesman for the company, they are acting after receiving feedback from customers and also from staff members. The general consensus appears to be that vaping should be banned along with smoking.

Since this was part of a statement made on behalf of London Midland, we have no way of knowing how many passengers and staff members wanted the ban to come into force. No doubt some people will be disappointed at the ban. The idea of vaping is to provide a safer alternative to smoking, and one that can persuade many people to give up smoking altogether.

Up until now, vapers have been able to vape in many areas where smoking would not be allowed. However, it seems that as time passes we are hearing of more and more occasions where vaping is being banned.

We predict that as Virgin Trains and London Midland have banned vaping, so other train companies may soon follow suit. Needless to say we shall keep a close eye on any moves made by other train companies. Could we soon see a complete ban on vaping on any trains anywhere in the country? It remains to be seen.

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All You Need to Know About the Vaper’s Tongue

Vaper’s tongue… it doesn’t sound too pleasant, does it? The good news is it’s not a medical condition. The bad news is, it still isn’t that pleasant to have.

So what exactly is it? Well, it’s basically a situation where you stop sensing the flavour in whatever e-liquid you are using. Let’s say you’ve bought a nice mint e-liquid to use. At first you can taste it fine, but after a while you realise you can’t actually taste anything at all. This is vaper’s tongue.

Except that isn’t actually an accurate name. The proper name for the experience is olfactory fatigue. As you may or may not know, olfactory relates to our sense of smell. This means it’s your nose that has the issue, not your tongue or mouth.

Is it dangerous?

No – just a bit frustrating. The effect can last for anything from a few days to several weeks. Even though there is nothing actually wrong with your tongue, your nose’s temporary inability to smell the particular flavour you like to vape with means you won’t be able to taste much either.

Who is most likely to get it?

New vapers are particularly prone to being affected in this way. Remember, you’re coming from smoking a certain number of cigarettes a day. Smoking reduces your ability to smell and taste things to the same degree non-smokers do. As such, it won’t be any surprise to find you might have trouble identifying the milder flavours used in some e-liquids.

You might also get it if you like a particular flavour of e-liquid and you never change to anything else. Your senses will get used to that same flavour time and time again, and you’ll suddenly realise you can’t taste it like you used to.

People taking various types of medication might also be affected. For example, drugs that treat depression, high blood pressure and thyroid problems can all contribute to vaper’s tongue.

Can you avoid it happening to you?

You may not be able to avoid it completely, but you can certainly reduce the odds of this affecting you.

For example, we mentioned that it can happen to people who vape the exact same flavour all the time. If this includes you, you might want to try experimenting with a few different flavours. Some people have one flavour for first thing in the morning, one for during the day and another one to enjoy after dinner. This is just an example of course, but you get the idea. As you switch from one flavour to another, you’re giving your taste buds and senses something different to experience.

You should also make the effort to drink more water. This is always a good idea for your general health anyway, but it helps to rinse out your mouth and you’ll avoid dehydration too. Surprisingly, it’s the latter that can lead to vaper’s tongue, since vaping can dehydrate the parts of your body that inhale the vapour. If you can avoid this, you can hopefully avoid vaper’s tongue as well.

Trying different flavours, drinking more water and even brushing your teeth twice a day (if you don’t already) is all going to help you. But if you are still experiencing problems, you should consider whether any medication you are taking could be having a side-effect you are not aware of.

Trying to avoid being ill is a good move to make too. You can’t always avoid it of course, but colds and illnesses can deaden your senses more than you might believe. Try and think back to the last time you had a cold. How many foods did you really enjoy eating? Chances are you lost your appetite completely – and not just because you didn’t much feel like eating anything. If you lose your senses of taste and smell because you’re feeling poorly, you won’t get any enjoyment out of your food.

If you do suffer from vaper’s tongue, don’t just try swapping flavours. Swap to something stronger than you would normally vape with, too. Many people recommend menthol to help things start moving along again. A stronger tobacco flavour or even cinnamon can also work. If you want to steer clear of tobacco flavours because you’ve left those behind, stick with menthol and cinnamon and see how you get on with those.


Sometimes you might be afflicted with vaper’s tongue even when you have done everything possible to try and avoid it. If so, keep on repeating all the steps and suggestions given above. These should at least help keep the period of ‘suffering’ to a minimum, and get you back onto vaping you can taste and enjoy again in the near future. Most importantly of all, don’t give up and go back to cigarettes!

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Making the Switch to E-Cigs Last

Many smokers swap over to e-cigarettes because they want to quit smoking but they can’t do it cold turkey. E-cigs provide a great solution for many people because they allow you to continue with the habit of smoking without actually doing it.

Here, we provide some tips on making the switch successfully.

Experiment with different e-cigs

Not all e-cigarettes are created as equals. You may have seen the ones that look most like a cigarette and tried those. However there are other designs available as well. Take the ones with refillable tanks for example. These are becoming more and more commonly-used among ex-smokers now.

If you are only a casual smoker, you might find the so-called cigalikes are enough for you. However, most people get better results and a better ‘hit’ from a proper e-cig with a refillable tank. Figure out what works for you.

Experiment with different liquid strengths

If you choose to go with an e-cigarette that comes with a tank so you can use it time and time again, this opens up a world of possibilities with regard to buying e-liquids. You may already know they come in a variety of flavours, so you don’t have to stick with tobacco flavour if you want something entirely different. (Some people like a different flavour depending on what time of day it is.)

However, do remember these e-liquids have different strengths of nicotine in them as well. Don’t get frustrated that you’re not getting a reasonable hit from your e-liquid. It may have nothing to do with the liquid itself; it could just be you need something much stronger to get a satisfying hit from.

Don’t let your supplies of e-liquid run too low either. This can leave you high and dry and tempted to have a ciggie instead of having some more e-liquid to use. Some people find one flavour and stick to it. Others stick with tobacco-flavoured ones to begin with, but soon find they branch out into fruity ones and never go back. Find what works for you.

Make sure you get into the habit of regularly charging your cartomizer

There’s nothing worse than sitting down for a spot of vaping, only to find the battery for your cartomizer has run down. Find out how long your cartomizer needs to be charged for and fit that into your day. You probably won’t need to charge it every day, but it all depends on how often you use it.

Have a chat with people who have already successfully switched to vaping

What better way to ease yourself in than to talk to others who have already done it? It’s one sure way of reducing the odds of making mistakes you could easily have avoided. If you have any questions, most people will be only too happy to answer them for you. It’s usually best to chat to people who have some experience of e-cigarettes, instead of having tried them for all of five minutes. The more experience they have, the more there is to benefit from.

Have a spare of everything you need to vape

Vapers have a good selection of starter kits to choose from when they first switch to vaping. You may have noticed plenty of these kits double up on all the important bits. There is a good reason for this. What will you do if your battery runs flat? What would you do if you broke your e-cig on day one and it was too late to go and buy another one?

Having spares can be all it takes to keep you from going back to smoking again. If you are really serious about making this work, make sure you have two of everything. Just in case.

Don’t give up too soon

Yes, this is the opposite advice we’d give to anyone wanting to give up smoking! When it comes to vaping, a lot of people assume you have to vape in the exact same way you smoke. Not so. You have to get used to how long to vape for in each session, and how long to hold the vapour in for as well. You also have to get used to whether or not you want to inhale.

Finding the right way to do it, and working out what suits you best, is what works in this situation. If you can remember when you started smoking, you’ll probably recall spluttering and being unsure of whether to inhale or how long to do it for initially. After a while you found the right way for you. It’s the same with vaping, except of course vaping is a lot better for you than smoking.

That’s why it’s worth making sure you make the switch that will last the test of time.

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How to Vape Properly – A Guide to Vaping Correctly

Are you vaping properly? A quick look online reveals not everyone is. Some people complain of pain in their throat, a burnt taste or simply no flavour at all. Others say vaping makes them cough. Is any of this sounding familiar?

Suffice to say, it is possible to vape in the wrong way. The good news is, after you get through your first couple of days’ worth of vaping, you should know how to do it properly. Our advice will help as well.

Remember – you’re not smoking!

It sounds obvious, but it’s wise to remember you are vaping instead. While it may look similar, it is not the same thing. Plenty of people set about vaping their e-cigarette as if it was a real cigarette, but this won’t produce the best experience.

Inhale for a longer period of time

Around five seconds is probably the optimum amount of time you should aim for. Don’t exhale immediately either – reap the benefits of the vapour you’ve just taken in. This is when you will get the nicotine hit from the e-liquid you have chosen. Cigarette Smokers tend to need to take shorter draws on a cigarette, this isn’t the case for e-cigarettes.

Don’t overdo it

Some people make the mistake of vaping for the length of time they’d normally smoke a cigarette. This is a mistake. Most vapers take around five draws from their e-cig at a time. Don’t feel as though you haven’t vaped for long enough. This is a different experience to smoking, so you have to follow a different way of doing things.

Experiment with different liquids and strengths

You can get varying strengths of nicotine in e-liquids. Furthermore they come in different flavours too. Experiment to begin with until you find something that works and feels good for you.

Be prepared to go through a selection of e-liquids quite quickly initially

It takes time to learn how to vape properly. Even when you know the basics we’ve given you above, it could still take a while to get the hang of it. Many newbies to e-cigarettes end up going through their e-liquids far faster than they will once they get used to using them. You could be the same.

Of course, you may get the hang of vaping right from the start. If you recognise this is completely different to smoking, you’ll be more likely to do it right and get the benefits to begin with.

How are you getting on with vaping?

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Is Nicotine Really That Bad?

Nicotine is addictive. Most people – whether they are smokers or not – will know and agree with that. Nicotine produces a ‘rush’ in the body that is very appealing. It’s incredibly easy – alarmingly easy, in fact – to get addicted. That’s why smokers find it so hard to stop. In fact it is thought that willpower alone isn’t usually enough to quit the habit, because the power of nicotine to keep you hooked is so strong.

The feeling nicotine gives you when you smoke is one of pleasure. It’s fast too – and it wears off just as quickly. That’s why it’s so easy to want to smoke more all the time.

So is there anything good to be said about nicotine?

Actually, there might be. Research has been conducted into the effects nicotine has on the body and on the brain, and some interesting results have come to light. For example, one study conducted way back in the Sixties threw up an interesting factor with regard to smokers. While they were more likely to suffer from lung cancer and emphysema when compared to those who didn’t smoke, they were less likely to get Parkinson’s disease. Three times as many non-smokers contracted Parkinson’s when compared to the smokers in the same study. It was subsequently confirmed with more research.

Since the Sixties, other studies have seemed to confirm the idea that nicotine can have a potentially-positive effect on the brain. Indeed, while we’ve already mentioned Parkinson’s, it seems that nicotine might have the potential to help treat the symptoms of that same disease. Nicotine triggers enhanced dopamine levels in the brain, and dopamine is known to reduce movement. Hence it can reduce the tremors that are associated with Parkinson’s disease.

Nicotine separated from tobacco

It is important to realise that nicotine is usually taken in by people when smoking. This means they’ll be smoking tobacco as well as inhaling the nicotine. That’s one of the reasons why there is plenty of room for further studies looking into nicotine on its own, instead of as part of a cigarette.

There has been some research into this area already. While limited, it could be that nicotine might have the potential to prevent dementia. The same applies with regard to cognitive decline. However this is by no means certain. It is definitely worthy of further research though, so we can see whether nicotine on its own could have a lot to recommend it with regard to isolated and controlled use.


There are plenty of drugs that are highly addictive in themselves. Think of morphine for example – and yet it is used to relieve pain in patients after surgery and in other worthwhile situations. Could it be that if nicotine is isolated from the other ingredients in a cigarette and given in controlled doses, it too could have a positive effect on those with certain illnesses that affect the brain?

It is too early to say. Yet it is definitely worth looking into this area. Again, the limited amount of evidence and research available seems to suggest people who have a mild degree of cognitive impairment could be helped with nicotine. It is not an invitation to go out and start smoking, since this brings with it problems of its own. But if nicotine could be isolated and given as a drug under controlled conditions, perhaps it could be of significant use in the future.

It is too early to say for sure, of course. Yet there is certainly enough evidence here to support further study into the effects of nicotine on cognitive function in the future.

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Vapers Are Fitter Than You Think

Plenty of people who vape do so as an alternative to smoking. In recent times it has been touted as one of the better ways to help people stop smoking altogether.

Up until now there hasn’t been too much information about the fitness levels of vapers, especially when compared to smokers (or indeed the average Briton). That’s all changed with the results of a recent survey that was undertaken to try and get some answers. It should be noted the survey was small, recording information from 500 people who took part. Everyone who responded was a vaper. With that said though, it does provide some interesting information that might point to the validity of a bigger survey in the future.

How fit are vapers?

Well, according to the survey results, 37% of the 500 people who were surveyed turned out to do more exercise every week than the average person in Britain does. Of course that does leave a further 63% who are not mentioned in terms of their response in this part of the results. However it does bear some thinking about.

A spokesperson for the people who conducted the survey said vapers felt better when exercising than if they were smoking. Smoking is known to leave people feeling short of breath and unable to exercise to the same levels non-smokers can. It makes sense then that if you switch to vaping, you could end up being able to do and enjoy more exercise purely because of that.

More vapers than ever before

You probably won’t be surprised to learn a recent survey found the number of vapers has increased from 4.5% last year to 6.7% this year. Could this mean more people would respond to a rerun of that same survey next year, and qualify as being fitter than the average Briton as well?

Regardless of where you stand on vaping, it’s worth thinking about how your own fitness levels might improve if you swapped from smoking to vaping. While electronic cigarettes still contain nicotine, the amount in each hit is far less than you’d get from a cigarette. It doesn’t take much then to imagine how much better and healthier you’ll feel if you do swap from smoking to vaping.

You might even find you agree with the results of the survey we mentioned above. Could you be fitter because you’d feel more able to take more exercise? Why not find out?

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Caffeine Vaping

If you thought vaping was all about e-cigarettes and nicotine, you’d be right. But that’s not the whole story.

America has now been introduced to caffeine vaping by way of a disposable vaper that contains caffeine instead of nicotine. The idea is obviously to allow you to get your hit of caffeine in the morning if you don’t have time for coffee.

Who’s doing it?

To date, information on caffeine vaping is sketchy. There are suppliers in the UK who are making caffeinated e-liquids available for sale, but no firm figures are available with regard to sales as yet.

However with the ever-increasing popularity of vaping e-cigs, it doesn’t take much to imagine people discovering caffeine vaping instead. The question is whether or not it will catch on as much as e-cigs have. After all, e-cigs fill a need. They give people who want to give up smoking an alternative. Caffeine vaping is a little different. People who love caffeine tend to love coffee too (or tea, although it has less in it). So to vape caffeine means you’re giving up the bit you love the most.

What’s it like?

From all accounts, it seems to give people an immediate hit of caffeine as opposed to it taking its time to get through your system. However some people have said it is almost too strong. Apparently a couple of puffs are all it takes to really feel a difference. Given how easy it could be to take a lot more than that, you might end up getting more than you bargained for.

In short, if you want to try it, it’s probably best to take it a puff at a time. We all react differently to caffeine and it could be very different from what you expected.

Is it safe?

In reality, no one yet knows. We know the effects caffeine can have on the body, but we’re used to drinking it, not inhaling it. In a vaporised form you seem to get a far more immediate effect – and one you may not be ready for.

In the US, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has not explored the potential safety or otherwise of caffeine vaping. They class it as a dietary supplement so it doesn’t need to be reviewed in the same way as medications do. So for the time being we don’t really have any answers to this. Watch this space.

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Are E-Cigarettes Becoming a Lifestyle Accessory?

If you’re of a certain age, you may remember when smoking was trendy – long before we realised how bad it could be for you to do it. While some young people still regard it as such, there are signs that e-cigarettes could be taking over as the latest lifestyle choice for many.

It’s good to know smokers don’t have to feel self-conscious about vaping in public. E-cigs can make a statement – most people who see someone using one would assume they’re trying to give up smoking, so it has a positive association for many.

But while vaping is still pretty new, especially when compared to the history cigarettes have, it has already garnered a lot of attention. Not just because it can help you stop smoking, but because it really is registering as a lifestyle accessory. Just think of all the celebrities and film stars who have been spotted vaping in public. With people like Katy Perry, Charlie Sheen and Johnny Depp all getting in on the action, it’s no wonder e-cigs are becoming the in-thing.

Earlier last year we even saw Leonardo DiCaprio using an electronic cigarette while at the Golden Globe Awards. He was in good company too, as Julia Louis-Dreyfus was also using an e-cigarette on the same night.

Maybe it’s the increasing popularity of e-cigs that have made them quite the fashion statement. Certainly, the increasing number of celebrities that have been using them has helped no end to ensure they have gone high-profile. There’s also the fact they can be used in public places. While some venues have put a stop to people using them, others welcome vapers in lieu of cigarette smokers who used to bring in lots of revenue.

There’s also the question of e-cigs being quite the talking point. They’re certainly a conversation starter if you find yourself meeting someone else who vapes in public. Before you know it you’re comparing e-liquids, e-cigarettes and plenty else besides.

While you may not choose to use an e-cigarette purely as a lifestyle accessory, they certainly fit into that category as an added bonus of sorts. Whether we admit to it or not, we’re pretty taken by the choices we have in terms of the various parts that go to make up each e-cigarette. What strength do you like? What appearance do you go for? It all adds up to a personal choice – and that certainly makes a real statement.

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