An inquiry has been launched by a group of MPs to gather more information about e-cigarettes and vaping. The group contains MPs from all parties and will look at how useful they are as an aid to help people stop smoking. They will also explore how vaping affects health.
The idea is to see whether there are gaps where there is a lack of knowledge around electronic cigarettes, their use, and other aspects of the industry. They also wish to find out more about the impact of the latest regulations on vaping. The Tobacco Products Directive came into being in May 2017, putting into practice several requirements that must now be met across the industry. These include a maximum strength for nicotine and a maximum size for refills.
Any news on the results of the inquiry?
There is no word yet about the outcome of the inquiry, although written submissions were invited to be sent to the inquiry by 8th December last year. The three main areas they are focusing on delve into the impact of electronic cigarettes on health, on regulation, and on finance. The latter looks at the way the vaping industry affects the economy and how it might impact the NHS.
Will it be a positive or negative thing?
It is impossible to guess the outcome of the inquiry. However, electronic cigarettes have already been recommended as part of Stoptober, the month-long push to help more people quit smoking. There is also a growing body of research that indicates vaping is far safer than smoking and is one of the best ways to help people quit. We have also seen proof that it does not encourage youngsters to smoke, despite what some countries might have you believe.
3 million vapers in the UK alone
The chair of the cross-party group, Norman Lamb MP, confirmed nearly three million people in the UK use electronic cigarettes. He also said there were “significant gaps in the research guiding their regulation and sale.”
He also pointed out that some people believe they are great tools for helping smokers quit, while others fear they make smoking appear normal and acceptable. We doubt the latter would be proven to be correct, but we await the results of this inquiry with interest. What are your thoughts on this? Are you eager to find out what the results are? Let us know your thoughts below.